Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Funding Please...

People with physical disabilities often belong to support groups, that often them a sense of belonging, support and resources.  Social democratic society believes that humans are social creatures.  Many of these groups depend on funding from the provincial and federal governments. Social democracy believes in equality of condition, or at least the serious effort to reduce, as much as possible, major inequalities of wealth, income, social status, and political influence.” (Mullaly, 2007) this is very different from the liberal believe in “equality of opportunity.”  Liberalism believes that everyone should have the opportunity to do the same as everyone else, but liberalism has to contend with the 50-meter head start.  Social democracy tries to eliminate the gap in the 100-meter race, by having programs that are designed to help families get access to programs and facilities that would be accessible to them otherwise.
As a person with a physical disability I am a member of the Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba and Society of Manitobans with Disabilities.  These two groups depend on funding from the government to keep their programs running.  These groups provide me with support and funding for special equipment that makes my life much easier.  These groups also provide me with the opportunity for scholarships.
Social democracy is the best ideology that works for physical disabilities, because they try and make inequalities less prevalent and the world more accommodating for people with physical disabilities.
Mullaly,Bob. (2007) The New Structural Social Work. Third Edition, Oxford University Press

On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!

Equal opportunity that is what the liberal ideology is based on.  Liberals believe if you give the entire population the same opportunities that it will have a strong impact on society.  But they are forgetting “…if one person has a 50-meter head start in a 100-meter race, it is not likely that the other person will ever catch up.” (Mullaly 2007) meaning people may have the same opportunity but if you start off with hardships against you, it will be harder for you to compete against other people. For example, having a physical disability.
Liberalism has shaped the Canadian society.  The Liberal Party though not the same as the ideology does have some of the same views, the Liberal Party has been in power for the majority of Canada’s history. That’s where Canada’s welfare system came from and Canada’s Medicare system was introduced by Tommy Douglas a Liberal from Saskatchewan.
People with physical disabilities start out 50-meters behind those who live without a physical disability. The 50-meter head start is very visible, in our school system and in the workforce.  Gym actives aren’t always designed for or to include the child in the activity, play structure aren’t always the most accommodating either, they aren’t always wheelchair accessible, and some activities on the structures can be quite challenging for a child with a physical disability, and easy for child who don’t live with a physical disability. In 2006 it was reported that 39.8% of children ages 5-14 have severe limitations in their day to day life. (Statistics Canada.( 2007) Participation and Activity Limitation Survey)   School can be hard enough, but to have a physical disability and not be able to join your friends can be even worse.   
The workplace can be very challenging as well, maybe not as challenging as schools, but they can still be challenging for people that have a physical disability.  Employees may be reluctant to hire someone with a physical disability because accommodations might have to be made to the workplace to make it accessible to the new employee.  Most of the changes that may have to be made to accommodation a physical disability are tax deductible.
Does this really sound like everyone is starting at the same starting line?
 Mullaly,Bob. (2007) The New Structural Social Work. Third Edition, Oxford University Press
Statistics Canada. (2007) Participation and Activity Limitation Survey.  December 3, 2007, Date retrieved December 14, 2010.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Healing is Important

The first residential school in Canada opened in 1874 when the Indian Act was passed that made the education of aboriginal children the responsibly of the Canadian government.  The residential schools were set up by the government and operated by churches.  The purpose of the schools were to teach the children “Canadian culture” and teach them that the Aboriginal culture was wrong.  The students were not allowed to practise their culture, they lost their Aboriginal name and it was replaced with a “Canadian” name, they could not speak their native tongue etc.  The schools were also home to a mountain of abuse.  The former students tell stories of emotional, physical and sexual abuse.  The students were taken from their home and lost all their culture.  They are known as the “lost generation”.
Many of the survivors have turned to drugs, alcohol and unhealthy relationships to help deal with the psychological issues.  
Many of the children of this generation are born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).  Nine in every 1,000 babies born in Canada have some form of FASD.  FASD is caused by the drinking of alcohol during pregnancy.  Learning disabilities, depression, over-compulsive disorder, facial deformities, and inability to understand consequences are some of the long list of effects of FASD. (Health Canada(2009) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)
To help lower the FASD statistics we must focus on the healing of their mothers.  The government of Canada has come to the same conclusion.  The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada gathers stories and helps the aboriginal community heal.  The Aboriginal Foundation set up a healing camp at Weaver’s Lake Manitoba,(CBC News (2010) Renew Aboriginal Healing Foundation: MP’s) the camp help survivors learn coping mechanisms and helps them get in touch with their culture as the camp as the camp uses traditional practices to help heal.  
Health Canada. (2009) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved December 14, 2010, from
CBC News. (2010) Renew Aboriginal Healing Foundation: MP’s. Retrieved December 14, 2010 from,

For the Sake of the Child

Raising a child with a physical disability can be increasing difficult on a family.  The job of raising a child is usually left to the responsibility of the mother.  “Women have the greatest responsibility for the family, including children and elder care.” (Mullaly, 20007)
Raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Autism is no easy task.  According to a study done at Washington State University, three out of five mothers that have a child with Autism does not compete in the workforce. Washington State University (2010, June 23).
“Autism Spectrum Disorder, also referred to as autism, is a neurological disorder which causes developmental disability. Autism affects the way the brain functions, resulting in difficulties with communication and social interaction, and unusual patterns of behaviour, activities and interests.” (Autism Society of Canada, 2009)
The study also concluded that out of the 326 families that were a part of the study, just over half of the mothers have a decreased workload, and close to 60% of the families had financial problems.  Researchers also found that mothers had to deal with extra doctor’s appointments and had deal with conflicts at daycares and schools more often then not.
Feminism is meant to give women a sense of empowerment and give her a sense of worth. Raising a child with a physical disability such as autism, where the child can have mood swings and sometimes get aggressive, it isn’t always easy to find a daycare equipped to meet those special needs.  Mothers will always do what is best for their child, and if that means staying at home and not competing in the workforce, it is done for the sake of their child.
 Mullaly,Bob. (2007) The New Structural Social Work. Third Edition, Oxford University Press
Washington State University (2010, June 23). Mothers of children with autism pay price in workplace. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 11, 2010, from­ /releases/2010/06/100623085725.htm
Autism Society of Canada (2009) Ten Common Questions. Date Retrieved December 11, 2010, from

Immigration and a disability

YourDictionary defines marginalization as “to exclude or ignore esp. by relegating to the outer edge of a group or by diverting the public's attention to something else.” Mallaly (2007) states that “marginalization affects primarily people of colour, old and young persons, many single mothers and their children, and physically and mentally disabled people.” Marginalization is a form of oppression that immigrants may feel upon entering a whole new world to them.

For a person to immigrate to Canada the average cost is over five hundred dollars according to Citizen and Immigration Canada and the wait time is approximately 15-19 months. The cost of over five hundred dollars does not include work permits, study permits, children, dependents or other family members; this is the cost for just a single applicant. In 2007, in addition to the wait time and costly process, an applicant that is expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services in Canada can be deemed inadmissible if they do not pass the medical examination for reasons that include mental and physical disabilities. According to My health has improved because I always have everything I need here…: A qualitative exploration of health improvement and decline among immigrants (Dean & Wilson, 2010) immigrants in Canada make up approximately 20% of the total population and in the future will continue to account for a significant portion of the country's population.

According to Pay to Pass (Rosenberg 2008), if an applicant fails to pass a medical examination or if the applicant has a condition that is “expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services in Canada,” the applicant will be considered inadmissible. “In 2007, the excessive demand threshold was set at $4,806 per year ($24,030 over a five-year period).” This amount will most likely not get an immigrant coming into Canada that far and especially not adequate for persons with physical disabilities needing social services. On the other hand, if a person who does not pass the medical examination can provide a convincing financial plan that they plan to follow, the immigration officer can now deem the immigrant as admissible. “Such a financial plan would usually take the form of a statutory declaration of ability and intent to cover the costs of social services. It may also include a detailed credible care plan, financial documents and commitment letters from those involved in providing the care for the applicant.”

There are strict rules and regulations around who can enter with and without passing their medical examinations. According to Pay to Pass (Rosenberg 2008), “certain applicants, such as spouses or dependent children who are being sponsored, refugees and other protected persons are exempted from the minimum health requirements, so long as they do not have a medical condition that would pose a threat to public health or safety. Other applicants, such as sponsored parents and grandparents, skilled workers, entrepreneurs, provincial nominees and the rest all have to pass their medical examinations in full.” 

The study My health has improved because I always have everything I need here…: A qualitative exploration of health improvement and decline among immigrants done on immigrants living in the Greater Toronto Area revealed that most people feel overwhelmed and stressed upon arriving and trying to get by day to day. In the study, it is interesting to note that “nearly all participants (20) expressed negative views about the health care system in Canada ranging from difficulty in finding a family physician, to long wait times and to dissatisfaction with services” (Dean & Wilson, 2010)

In the journal article done by Malmusi, Borrell & Benach (2010) it was discussed that immigrants often have better living conditions in their home country before immigrating to a new country. Migration-related health inequalities: Showing the complex interactions between gender, social class and place of origin “showed that cumulative inequality, both in the place of origin, with poorer socio-economic environment in childhood and growth and in the place of destination, with chronic exposure to work hazards, poor living conditions, hardship and discrimination, mechanisms that are well recognized as causal factors of racial and ethnic inequalities in health” (Malmusi, Borrell & Benach, 2010).

In conclusion, with all of the information provided, when an immigrant is accepted into Canada, should they not be treated equally like everyone else in the country? Why do they have a restriction put on them to use only $4,806 per year for social services? If Canada is allowing immigrants into Canada then why are they not fully prepared to provide for them just as they are to provide for other citizens living within the country?


Deana, J, & Wilson, K. (2010). My health has improved because I always have everything I need here…: a qualitative exploration of health improvement and decline among immigrants. Social Science & Medicine, 70(8), doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.01.009

Malmusi, D, Borrell, C, & Benach, J. (2010). Migration-related health inequalities: showing the complex interactions between gender, social class and place of origin. Social Science & Medicine, 71(9), doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.07.043

Mullaly, R. (2007). The New Structural Social Work (3rd ed.). Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press Canada.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Aging: Bad to the Bone

Sarcopenia refers to the loss of skeletal muscle mass with aging. It is thought to be associated with functional impairment and physical disability. Many elderly people suffer from physical disabilities as they age and continue to age. Most people are not born with a physical disabilities, but as you age and your bodies functions begin to deteriorate. Although the normal aging process is accompanied by declines in physical capacity, ' mobility, and endurance, which may result in the loss of independent living and muscle strength; physical activity among the elderly population may lower the number of elderly people at risk and suffering from a physical disability that seems to come along with aging. The cardiopulmonary system has received alot of attention, as it is involved with the most basic functions of everyday life. However healthy diet and simple workout may be proven to benefit your health in the future.

The study called Sarcopenia, Cardiopulmonary Fitness, and Physical Disability in Community-Dwelling Elderly People, questions whether muscle mass and physical activity in elderly people reduces the chance of developing a physical disability in the future. The study took 275 elderly people from the community about 150 were men and 125 were women over the age of 65 years. Severe sarcopenia associated with an increased chance of functional impairment and physical disability in the elderly from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). The study showed that strength and daily energy outflow (kcal/kg/day) were not considerably different between the participants with sarcopenia and those with normal skeletal muscle mass index. The odds ratio for physical disability between the participants with sarcopenia and those with normal Skeletal mass Index was 303 (95% confidence interval= 1.21-7.61). In conclusion sarcopenia was associated with physical disability in elderly men. There was only a casual relationship between physical activity, cardio fitness, physical disability and sarcopenia.  

In the article obesity, intentional weight loss and physical disability in older adults, states that obesity in elderly people is correlated with physical disabilities. People with high BMI’s (body mass index) for your specific age and height may have a relationship with physical disabilities along with physical activity among people of the old age population. It also suggests that obesity by the age of 30 may be correlated and have an even greater risk of developing a physical disability in the future. However on the bright side physical activity can decrease the chances of obesity and lower your chances of developing a physical activity later in life.

So although it is difficult to define exactly why aging may increase the chances of developing a physical disability; physical activity, healthy eating habits while staying active as we continue to age may in fact lower your risk of developing a physical disability in the future. It is difficult to determine an exact amount of how much physical activity and healthy eating habits may contribute to the decrease in risk of developing a physical disability but it is shown that with effort and consistent exertion it is proven to help most individuals as we age.


Rejeski, W.J., Marsh, A.P., Chmelo, E., Rejeski, J.J., Obesity, intentional weight loss and physical disability in older adults. Obesity Reviews; Sep2010, Vol. 11 Issue 9, p671-685, 15p, 3 Charts, 2 Graphs retrieved from

Meng-Yueh Chien, Hsu-Ko Kuo, Ying-Tai Wu. Sarcopenia, Cardiopulmonary Fitness, and Physical Disability in Community-Dwelling Elderly People. Physical therapy. Sep2010, Vol. 90 Issue 9, p1277-1287, 11p, 4 Charts retrieved from

-Autumn B.

The Exclusive Club

Immigration into Canada is thought to be simple and common. However it appears many immigrants struggle with the effort to be let into Canada, depending on whether they are a person with a physical or mental disability or if they are at the lower end of socioeconomic status you have little to no chance of immigrating into Canada. If you have the money and are 100% healthy you have a much greater chance of being let in. Social work in Canada is said to be set towards a liberal and social democratic view where everyone is to be equal and have equal opportunities in our country. However if you do not have the cash and are facing other challenges such as a physical or mental disability it gives the government a reason to deny the person with the disability to enter and immigrate into Canada.
The article by Wayne Kondro on Canadian prohibition against immigrants with disabilities shows how difficult it is for anyone with a physical disability to enter our country. The article focused on a German woman who had multiple sclerosis and decided to challenge the Canadian government prohibition against immigrants with physical and mental disabilities. She in fact was denied Canadian citizenship solely for the reason of her physical disability and fell into the inadmissible class, which is considered along side with criminals. For a person to be inadmissible under this provision, she or he should be currently suffering from a disease, disorder, disability or other health impairment or pose danger to the country. The government considered her a burden on our country and health care system simpley because of her physical disability.
Not allowing people to enter Canada based solely on their physical disability I think goes against Canada’s essence as a country and its soul meaning for equality and “social minimum”. If everyone is considered equal with equal opportunities, immigrants that have a physical disability would be just as eligible to enter Canada as the next person without a physical disability. Canada may appear to be a place where everyone is considered to be equal but this article shows that this may not always be true.
Wayne, K. (2002). Canadian prohibition against immigrants with disabilities is challenged.Vol. 359 Issue 9302, p240, 1/2p 359 retrieved from 
-Autumn B.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Aging with a Physical Disability

The process of aging is a natural part of the life cycle most of us our bound to experience one day. With age our physical and emotional health deteriorates, and often times we cannot perform the same tasks as we once could when we were younger. Along with aches and pains, and limited mobility; elderly people can also experience a decrease in their mental capacities and memories. Disorders such as Arthritis and Alzheimer’s are typically acquired diseases that come along with the aging process.
For people who already have physical disabilities the process of aging is an even more complex and challenging experience. Cerebral Palsy is not classified as a progressive condition, however with the added restrictions of growing old someone with this disability can worsen in condition. It is an unfortunate fact that most people with a severe disability also have a significantly lower life expectancy. Aging becomes a sooner and quicker process and with the addition of joint pain and increased fatigue associated with old age, someone with Cerebral Palsy will as a result become even less mobile. (Aging and Cerebral Palsy, 2005).
There are specific care homes for people who have physical disabilities, and care homes for elderly people. Where does someone go to live if they have a physical disability, and are now beginning to age? Oppression occurs at three levels: the personal, cultural, and structural level. In respect to one another these three levels of oppression are interdependent and influence each other. (Mullaly, 2007). Personal and political issues are influenced by the structural nature of society, and this can cause a range of personal difficulties depending on who the person being affected is. (Mullaly, 2007). People who have a physical disability, and are also experiencing the struggles of aging are affected by all three levels of oppression at once.
Older people with physical disabilities experience the emotional struggle of fitting into society as they grow older. Though some of these people may have been able to live at home, the consequences of early aging force them to seek care and supervision much earlier than those without a disability.  Society may not see them as an older person yet, even though they are affected by the same challenges elderly people face. On a structural level they belong in two different categories, but in combination they really do not belong to either one.

Aging and Cerebral Palsy. (2005). Retrieved from

Mullaly, R. (2007). The new structural social work (3rd Ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

-Eliza R.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Human Rights help.

In grade 11 my sociology teacher changed the way I looked at those who were unemployed and on assistance. I always thought it was just them being lazy, this might be due to my mom being somewhat prejudice towards people on assistance. My teacher informed me that they don't choose to be without a job, but that some of them are actually unable to hold a job. I was still skeptical about that statement being true until about a year and a half ago. My best friend's sister always had troubles with keeping a job but we just figured it's because she couldn't decide what she wanted to do with her life. Then she was diagnosed with BorderLine Personality Disorder. Even with her medication she still hasn't been able to hold down a job for more than a month.

The unemployment rate of persons with serious mental illness reflects these obstacles and has been commonly reported to range from 70-90%, depending on the severity of the disability. In my opinion, that is an extremely high and disturbing percentage of people. The Canadian Human Rights Commission states that on applications, and during interviews the employers should avoid asking things such as : a list of all disabilities, limitations or health problems, whether the applicant drinks or uses drugs, whether the applicant has ever received psychiatric care or been hospitalized for emotional problems, or whether the applicant has received worker's compensation. Although there are laws in place stating one cannot be discriminated against in the workplace, it seems there is always a way to get around that without it being considered discrimination. According to the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission, employers are not expected to hire or continue to employ anyone whose disability notably increases the probability of health or safety hazards to themselves, other employees and/or the public. The examples they used are : someone subject to epileptic seizures that are not fully controlled with medication could not be expected to safely perform a job working on a scaffold or driving a truck. Someone with a serious mental impairment may not be permitted to be responsible for children in a day care setting. To me, these examples seem like common sense. People living with a mental, or physical disability generally know their boundaries with what they can and can't do in the work place, and most likely won't put themselves in a position that could risk them not gaining employment.

Even though it seems like the percentage of those unemployed seems quite high, it could be much worse without these laws.

Brittney M

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Abnormal; the New Norm

Mental disabilities and illnesses through my eyes are no longer to be considered abnormal. Quite frankly I believe they are becoming the norm. Wikipedia defines normality as the conformance to average, social norms and expected patterns of behavior studied within the context of sociology.  But when many people are put into specific situations where exactly the distinction is or line placed between normal and abnormal and when do you note that you have specifically crossed this “line”. It is believed by the DSM-IV of the United States standard reference of psychology that there are over 300 different categories of mental illnesses. It also illustrates that there are approximately 20% of individuals that will experience a mental illness during their lifetime and the remaining 80% will be affected by an illness in family members, friends or colleagues. So how do we define abnormality when almost everyone in their lifetime will be touched in some way, shape or form by persons with mental disabilities or illnesses? My family to me I believe is normal but we experience dysfunctions all the time.

My uncle was diagnosed with alcoholism 4 years ago just months after my godmother or auntie passed away. This caused severe distress in my family not only in my uncle’s immediate family but also his extended family like me. Not only did we suffer the loss of my godmother just months before; we now had to deal with what felt like the loss of my uncle and my close cousins grandparents. It is now many years later and he has attended AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) several times. He has lost his home, his house, and most importantly his family. Given that I grew up being around family all the time (my mom being the youngest of four children all of which had children, and my dad having eight siblings) I grew up being surrounded by family and friends.  But when my uncle developed his mental illness he did not seem to realize the impact it would have on everyone surrounding him.  

Autumn B.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Elderly and benefits of aqua exercising

As people get older, health decreases and reduces mobility. Not only should people eat healthy and exercise but I feel aquatic exercising is especially beneficial for elderly people with physical disabilities. Fitness Proposals (2010) defines aquatic exercising as being done in chest high water to improve muscle strength and flexibility, may prevent from further deterioration and reduce pain. The benefits associated with physical disabilities aqua exercising are tremendous and will be discussed further.

Not only are there benefits for elderly people physically but also mentally, socially and emotionally. Aqua exercising can open up a social network for elderly people to meet people their own age and who both have the ultimate goal to feel healthy and improve their quality of life all around. Aqua exercising is not over exerting and your head is kept above the water at all times and therefore people are able to keep the communication window open.

You may be wondering what aquatic exercising would have anything to do with social work. The definition of social work in elderly people can be defined as an “organized effort to help individuals and families to adjust themselves to the community, as well as to adapt the community to the needs of such persons and families.” Viewing this issue with elderly people and the disadvantages that physical disabilities may cause in their life, a social worker would see aquatic exercise as an all around healthy opportunity for a social network and to increase their capability to be independent in many ways. Elderly people with a physical disability may not want to depend on family and friends to do things they can’t physically do and for example, the physical flexibility that they get from the aqua exercising can maybe help them reach up to that top shelf they never could before. Also, having a social network opens up communication with others that can relate to being elderly with a physical disability whereas family may say they know what it’s like but they really don’t unless ‘you walk a mile in their shoes.’ Elderly people with a physical disability may feel like they are alone and have no one to talk to but this opportunity allows them to meet others who are going through the same struggles.

Some physical disabilities that Beason, K and Gilbert, J (1995) discuss that elderly people face as they age include “osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal cord and head injuries, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord and head injuries, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, hip and knee replacements and injuries, lower back injuries, obesity, disease and injury to connective tissues and degenerative bone diseases.”

A personal experience that I have had with an elderly person with a physical disability and aqua exercising is with my grandmother. She has rheumatoid arthritis, had polio of the spine and her joints constantly ache. She feels that aqua exercising has helped her life dramatically and opened up social communication with many of the people who attend. She wants to feel independent and after doing the aqua exercising over a six month period, she feels she has a little more mobility and her joints don’t ache as much.

In conclusion, although this may be a small portion of helping elderly people with a physical disability aqua exercising may help in getting them involved out in the community and at the same time as improving their quality of life. I do understand that for some people results will vary and for some people it may work and for others it may not. Even if they are not greatly improving their physical challenges, they may get involved in the social aspect which seems that it may have a greater benefit for them in the end. They may no longer feel alone, may feel a sense of belonging and feeling connected with others who are going through similar situations.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Collectiveism - social isolation = hope!

The seniors in our societies face a number of barriers. One of these societal barriers is social isolation of seniors with disabilities ("FAQ," 2009). Many senior's in our communities are living in care centers because they are unable to live on their own because of an illness or disability ("FAQ," 2009). Last year I worked with an organization by the name of Linkages. Linkages works with the senior population in care centers who because of disabilities such as being unable to walk without an aid of some kind or in wheelchairs are bound to these centers causing them loneliness, seclusion, and segregation from their inability to participate in society like they used to ("FAQ," 2009).  Also in the centers many senior people do not have family or friends close by to visit which is a contributor to this feeling of isolation. In order to creative positive change in the area of seniors feeling social isolated in care facilities there needs to be more services and supports provided to create a better quality of life for these individuals. By creating this change we would hopefully be able to make these seniors feel more a part of the community again and raise their self worth that are damaged by the isolation ("FAQ," 2009).

Linkages Society of Alberta is an organization that works towards eliminating social isolation and stigmas of seniors by creating school programs that link the generations together ("FAQ," 2009).  By participating in this program it creates a mutual benefit for both the senior and students ("FAQ," 2009). By having these visits it helps remove generational stereotypes for both generations, reduces the barriers of social isolation from the seniors, and gives students an opportunity to interact with seniors if they don’t normally get the chance (no grandparents) ("FAQ," 2009). Although Linkages is a great organization there was so much demand for its services that there was waiting list to participate. This shows how much organizations like this one and others are needed in our society. I have always thought that in order to create change and get change started you need to become more educated on that particular area as well as educate others. It’s hard to make positive change if you yourself know little about the issue. So by creating/implementing organizations such as Linkages it makes people aware of issues such as social isolation among seniors and also eliminates them.  

In a social democratic society they believe that social problems start with conflicts from within our society; therefore, society as a whole needs to fix them (Mullaly, 2007). They use the “structural model of welfare” which provides free and universal services for all members of society that are in need (Mullaly, 2007, p. 128). This model doesn’t stop at a minimum then it comes to welfare like the liberalism perspective (Mullaly, 2007). They try to help people in need to the highest degree that they can (Mullaly, 2007). The opinions of people in society and the people using these services are also important to this model when making decisions (Mullaly, 2007). This differs from the traditional ways of having professional make all the decisions (Mullaly, 2007). In a social democratic society it allows for all people in need to access services and have a voice towards these services (Mullaly, 2007). This would allow for services such as Linkages to be accessible to seniors in our society as well as other organization that work towards eliminating barriers for seniors. No one knows better than the people experiencing these barrier what their needs are. So for the senior population to have a voice in services it would help improve and gear these services to match their needs.

To create a good quality of life away from social isolation for the senior population with disabilities they need support. In order to get this support there needs to be easily accessible social services. In order to have these services we need an ideology that believes in proving these services for citizens in need. Social democratic perspective    

Nicole G

FAQ (2009). In LINKages society of alberta. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from

Mullaly, R. (2007). The new structural social work (3rd Ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

The Stereotypical Male

I am 5’ 8; I work as a business owner just minutes from my home. I went on a date a couple days ago, picked my date up and took them to a restaurant. I paid on the date. I love sports, I consider myself athletic. My favorite sport is hockey. I work all day long and when I come home from work I expect supper to be ready, and the family to be waiting for me to arrive to dinner. My spouse takes care of the children and doesn’t mind doing the cleaning since I am the breadwinner of the home this is the little amount I expect.

What did each sentence in the first paragraph make you think about? Did you believe this was a male or female? Ten years ago you would have immediately assumed the person speaking above was male. In 2010 in today’s society you may however question the above sentences; you may question the fact that many women today are accountants, secretaries, lawyers ect.. Women in today’s society are now allowed to play professional hockey as of September 24, 1992. In this video clip showing how lots of men are proud and happy to see the face of women’s potential and efforts to succeed quite promising and humbling.
Men today are not necessarily expected to pay on dates anymore. Since many women are proud to have income and may consider it disrespectful not given the opportunity to pay. For example when I was leaving blockbuster last week, a couple ahead of me in line were renting a movie the gentlemen immediately went to pay, the woman however; was fuming with her date that he would not allow her to pay for the movie. She then stormed out of blockbuster; this shows how today’s society, is shifting and women are becoming secure not only with their money but realizing their rights as women, and that women deserve respect and independence. Who is to say really whose more eligible to pay for the date?

For years feminists have fought for equality believing it is the key to a better society
. Mullaly suggests ‘famlilism’ which is a set of ideas that characterizes the “normal” or “ideal” where family form as one where the man was the main breadwinner and his wife’s main contribution to the family was through her role as mother, carer and housewife, rather than as a wage-earner and who was therefore, along with her children, financially dependent upon her husband. I believe these differences are due to social conditioning and society as a whole. I trust that women today have far more opportunities then ever before and now have rights. Women were given the right to vote in 1917 when they turn 18 years old.  According to mail online report on mental health people who have management jobs, male or female, were also found to die younger than those with less pressured lifestyle. Researchers have found that parity between the sexes may be bad for your health. So although women are striving to have acceptance and equality between men and are now gaining independence, the facts stated above may show these equalities long term may be critical to our health in both men and women. It is important not only when thinking about women’s future to take into consideration the major effects it may have on our health mentally and physically.

Wikipedia states that feminism is the movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Feminism is in search of balance and equality between males and females. Many of these inequalities are also seen in persons with physically disabilities. Not only do the disabled have fewer opportunities because of their accessibility or their physical containing attributions many would also appear to struggle and face discrimination from others depending on their race, sex or socioeconomic status. I believe women should have accessibility to all of the same resources and should continue to be given the chance for equal opportunity with men. But must take into consideration when you do the same job and have the same stresses as men did in the past the same illnesses that they suffer from may follow. If society keeps changing and improving women’s rights like it has been in the past I believe the future holds equality between men and women. Hopefully the reach for both people with physical disabilities and feminists to attain equality is close enough to grasp in the near future.
Mullaly, R. (2007). The new structural social work (3rd Ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press

-Autumn B.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Old age: an invisible disability

    Throughout the whole world, the elderly population has been increasing both quantitatively and proportionally. According to the WHO (2009), it is estimated that current population of over-65 years of age, which is 390 million now, will be twice in 2025. With this being said, the chances of living with a disability as you age is much greater. Whether it is physically visible or not, it is still a disability. Some elders not only have to cope with disabilities but they also have to cope with lonliness.
    With all the advances in health care, life expectancy has risen. Canadians over 65 in particular can expect to live longer. Living with old age as a disability is not only a burden for the elderly person, but also their family. It's horrible to say that they are a burden because nobody wants to think of their grandparent or elderly parent as a burden. Many families however have their grandparents living with them, and many parents taking time off work to help care for them.
    My grandma suffers from osteoporosis and as she gets older I see it bring her down physically and emotionally. She can no longer open jars or even pour a glass of milk. She is terrified to walk outside in the winter because she doesn't want to slip and fall. My grandpa thankfully is still there to help her, but he too is getting older and one day won't be able to.
    Even though aging may not be seen as a disability by some, it most certainly is. Many seniors are treated poorly just because of their age by some people. The same way those with a visible physical disability are treated poorly. We are all human beings and there is no need to bring anybody down just because they may be incapable of something.

Mollaoglu, M., Tuncay, F. O., & Fertelli, T. K. (2010). Mobility disability and life satisfaction in elderly people. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 51, 115-119.

Brittney M

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Community Living: A Healthy Society

Community living or community residential programs are supports for people with disabilities so that they can live full safe lives in communities, and are supported in ways that meet their unique needs and desires.  St. Amant center located in Manitoba, provides institutionalized care and treatment, but also has a community living program to assist people with disabilities who are able to live more independently.  On the St. Amant website they state their philosophy for their community living program: “In keeping with the Mission and values of St.Amant, the Community Residential Program provides services and supports in a manner that creates an environment that promotes respect, independence, personal responsibility, self-determination, community participation and integration, self and system advocacy, and healthy relationships and lifestyles.”

According to Mullaly(2007) a social democratic viewpoint would say that if some people have more resources they also have more freedom to control the conditions of their life, this also means some people have less control in respect to their life conditions. The social democratic position believes that genuine freedom for all can come about through government action. This juxtaposes the neoconservative outlook, which would say that government inaction is a better plan for social problems. (Mullaly,2007).
The first fundamental political belief of social democrats is that the state has a positive role to play in society. (Mullaly, 2007). I believe that the concept of community living, which allows people to be more dependant fits well with the humanitarian aspect of social democracy.  The governments’ role in funding and regulating community living is definitely positive one.
The independent living movement first came to the States in the late 1960’s and by the 1980’s had moved to Canada. This movement continues to be supported by independent living resource centers, and the main goal is to provide supports and services which encourage independence. (Kelly, 2010).  The third fundamental political belief of social democracy also fits with the concept of community living. “The state should encourage broad participatory decision-making in all areas of life.”(Mullaly, 2007). Thanks to our socially democratic society, people with disabilities are encouraged and support to achieve a higher standard of living.
An independent living activist by the name of Heumann once said, “To us, independence does not mean doing physically alone. It means being able to make independent decisions. It is a mind process not contingent upon a “normal body”.” (Akiko et al., 2007). Independence can be understood by three different perspectives:  independence as competence, independence as autonomy, and independence as psychological qualities. Independence of competence includes the possession of certain skills ( physical or cognitive) and abilities (dressing, and cooking).  Independence as autonomy means the ability to manage oneself and environment without outside domination. And finally independence of psychological qualities includes a person’s internal experiences, personal reactions, and mechanisms that account for patterns of behavior. (Akiko et al., 2007).
The community living movement and community residential programs are all concepts which exist because we live in a socially democratic society. The St. Amant website also explains that this assistance: is individualized and seamless, lasts as long as needed, involves a variety of community partners, and is supportive of family needs. My Brother works in one of these community living homes, and my Father is the Executive Director of River Road Place (St. Amant’s residential health care program for persons with developmental disabilities). I have heard a lot about the responsibilities and types of care that are essential to making these homes flourish. One example of how the standard of living in these homes is thriving is the yearly vacations clients are able to take. They have a choice in where they would like to go, as well as a say in the types of activities they would like to do, and sights they want to see. Last summer my brother went with two clients to West Edmonton mall for a week, and this summer he went with one client on a camping trip through the Rocky Mountains.
Quality of life isn’t just about care and treatment it is also one’s ability to make choices and essentially have independence.
Kelly, Christine. (2010). The role of mandates/philosophies in shaping interactions between disabled and their support providers. Disability and Society, 25(1), 103-119.

Mullaly, R. (2007). The new structural social work (3rd Ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Akiko, Tamaru., Mary, McColl., Setsuko, Yamasaki. (2007). Understanding “independence” : Perspectives of occupational therapists. Disability and Rehabilitation: An International, Multidisciplinary Journal,  29(13), 1021-1033.
-Eliza R.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Does equal opportunity have the same meaning for everyone?

Equal opportunity gives everyone a chance to thrive (Mullaly, 2007). Equal opportunity reduces inequality in society (Mullaly, 2007). Equal opportunity gives everyone a fair chance at a good quality of life (Mullaly, 2007). These are all statements and views of the liberalism ideology (Mullaly, 2007). The liberalism perspective believes in maintaining capitalism in society, however, they have modified it by creating a welfare state and slightly increasing government regulation (Mullaly, 2007). Therefore, feel they have created equal opportunities for individuals in society to have success (Mullaly, 2007). However, this equal opportunity is not equal for all people (Mullaly, 2007). In Mullaly, he describes equal opportunity as: “if one person has a 50-meter head start in a 100-meter race, it is not likely that the other person will ever catch up” (Mullaly, 2007 p.98).  Factors such as wealth and health can affect someone’s position in the race of equality (Mullaly, 2007). Another downfall of the liberal ideology perspective is that they believe so strongly in the goal of equal opportunity that they feel that anyone who fails in life didn’t take advantage of the opportunities they were given (Mullaly, 2007). This view of the liberal ideology may benefits some people in society, however, leaves people with disabilities and other conditions behind (Mullaly, 2007).

A friend of the family has a number of disabilities such as aspergers that does not allow him to work. He is living off disability pension from the job he had before his disability got to the point where he had to stop working. This disability pension only provides him with an amount of money that is about equivalent with minimal wage. He also cannot bring in any other money (odd jobs) or he will lose this pension. This is an example of giving someone a social minimum to survive like the liberal ideology believes (Mullaly, 2007). This individual barely gets by day to day with this amount of money provided for him. Working is not an option and he does not qualify for many social services that can help him. Two services they offered him were for someone to bring him to get groceries (he was unable to drive or afford a car) but he would have to pay for the gas and a limited amount of one on one counseling time per week. These services did not help any of the barriers that were preventing this man from living a good quality of life regardless if he used them or not. This leaves him in the need of help from family and friends which bring us back to the neo-conservative notion of society. In the race of equal opportunity this man was placed 50m behind because of the minimal supports he was given.     

 If equal opportunity is suppose to help people in need if they take advantage of it. Then they do people like him fall between the cracks!? This ideology has taken a step in the right direction but it is far from providing equality for everyone. The creation of the welfare state dose help people to an extent but at the end of the day the notion of survival of the fittest is still dominates.

Nicole G


Mullaly, R. (2007). The new structural social work (3rd Ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

Rights for all people or just a glimmer of hope?

Throughout history women have had unequal opportunities in comparison to men. History has shown many achievements towards women’s rights. According to Wikipedia women had to gain the right to vote and the right to property which have always been a right for men. Even though women have worked hard to gain these rights, as members of society, they still suffer from unequal economic conditions (Mcgrath, 2001). Women today are still being unrecognized for their labor at home and are under paid in their jobs (Mcgrath, 2001). This causes many women to be dependent on men or face the possibility of poverty (Mcgrath, 2001). In this blog, I will be focusing on the ways that liberalist and socialist feminism perspectives have positively altered the barriers that women with disabilities face economically. Also how these perspectives have overlooked important factors that need to be addressed in order for change to be complete.  

The feminism perspective works towards gaining and maintaining economical and social rights for women (Mullaly, 2007). Mullaly describes feminism as: “Although there are different forms or groupings of feminism, the common thesis is that the relationship between the sexes is one of inequality or oppression” (Mullaly, 2007 p.161).  Some goals of the feminist perspective are to reduce inequalities for women, advocate for social change, and change the male dominate welfare state (Mullaly, 2007).

Women face a number of barriers when it comes to employment and the labor force. Women are underpaid in the labor force as well as are unpaid in their demanding private sphere duty (chores and taking care of children) which leads many women to live in poverished conditions (Mcgrath, 2001). ” Women are 70 per cent of the world's poor, and they own one per cent of the world's wealth” (Day, 2000).  It was also stated that there are more poor women they men in every country in the world (Day, 2000). However, there is a group of individuals that face even worst barriers when it comes to finances and employment then women (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). This group is women with disabilities (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). Women with disabilities not only have to face gender inequality but deal with the discrimination and hardships of a disability (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). In the labor force women with disabilities face many barriers when trying to get or maintain a job. If the women with disability requires aids on the job or adjustments of the position employers are less likely to hire these individuals (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). Also many places of employment are unable to provide this support which causes difficulty on the job for an individual with a disability (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). Lastly, there is the barrier of employer’s attitudes towards women with disabilities (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). Many employers may underestimate the abilities of these individuals and make quick judgment about their appearance.     

Liberal feminism has provided some positive contributions to women’s and women’s with disabilities rights in the work force (Mullaly, 2007). Liberal feminist work towards improving fairness, equality, and independence for all women (Mullaly, 2007). Their main focus is restructuring the social and political institutions in our society (Mullaly, 2007). By doing this they have brought about some change in the “workplace, education, wages, pensions, and civil and social right” of women (Mullaly, 2007 p.164). However, liberal feminism has overlooked many areas of the work force that are big contributors to the barriers women and women with disabilities face (Mullaly, 2007). For example, they don’t see patriarchy as an issue which allows males to continue to overpower women (Mullaly, 2007). This is shown in women continuing to be dependent on men and being underpaid in their jobs (Mullaly, 2007). Another issue they don’t take into account is that the private structures in a women’s life are just as important as the public ones (Mullaly, 2007). Women today are still considered accountable for the family and house duties (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). It takes lots of time and hard work to juggle both work and home duties. This is even more challenging for women with disabilities (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006).  

Socialist feminism is another feminist perspective that has some positive and negative contributions to women/women with disabilities in the workforce. An important area that the socialist feminist perspective looks at that the liberalist overlooked was the significance of the double role that women play in our society (Mullaly, 2007). It’s important to acknowledge these private duties because they contribute to women with disabilities inability to work full time without any proper support such as disability aid, childcare, and support from another person (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). The socialist also have worked hard to create groups that work towards bettering experiences of women in areas such as child care, health, and employment (Mullaly, 2007). Like motioned above these are areas pose challenges for women and women with disabilities in employment opportunities (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2006). The socialist and the liberalists perspectives have both failed to address a key issue that affects the equality of all women which is a biology aspect (Mullaly, 2007). They both feel that biology didn’t contribute to women’s oppression; however, it does (Mullaly, 2007). There are a number of ways that biology contributes to oppression in women here are a few examples. First, biologically women have the role of reproduction which created their primary role in the private sphere (Mullaly, 2007). Second, a male’s power and control over women can lead to all kinds of violence against women (Mullaly, 2007). Lastly, in the past and still today men have able to control women and their bodies to do as they please (ex. Reproduction) (Mullaly, 2007).            

In conclusion, it is clear that women and women with disabilities face many forms of discrimination when it comes to the workforce. Even though there has been some improvements made over the years there is still a long way to go. The feminism ideologies have and continue to make movements towards equalities for all women. However, there are some gaps that need to be addressed that these ideologies don’t speak to.

Nicole G


McGrath, A. (2001). Feminism and foes: an examination of the challenges of building a strong women's movement. Briarpatch, 21(2), 21. Retrieved November 8, 2010, from

Mullaly, R. (2007). The new structural social work (3rd Ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women. (2006). Employability of women with disabilities breaching the disability wall. Retrieved November 8, 2010, from